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Historic Bridge

Category: History  Listing Date: 2021-02-13

Historic Bridge

On the National Register of Historic Places is South Dakota Dept. of Transportation Bridge No. 05-032-170 ** (added 1993 - Structure - #93001271) Local road over Choteau Creek, Avon
- Historic Significance: Event, Architecture/Engineering
- Architect, builder, or engineer: Iowa Bridge Co.
- Architectural Style: Other
- Area of Significance: Engineering, Commerce
- Period of Significance: 1900-1924, 1925-1949
- Owner: Local Gov't
- Historic Function: Transportation
- Historic Sub-function: Road-Related
- Current Function: Transportation
- Current Sub-function: Road-Related

Posted with keywords: historic,bridge,avon,South Dakota,bon homme,registry,places,national,architectural,engineering,transportation,1900-1949,commerce,road,