Category: History  Listing Date: 2014-11-05

Rushmore Lights

We know that maintenance and modernization is a must but recently Mount Rushmore National Memorial was fitted with new evening lighting. The lights are too bright and wash-out the faces on the Historic Landmark. It is the opinion of this frequent visitor to the Monument that the evening lights should cast a soft and perhaps a "sepia" effect upon the faces.
Sepia is dark reddish-brown pigment obtained from the inky secretion of the cuttlefish. Use extensively through the 19th century. The effect is used to give modern photos the appearance of being older or historic.
Current and future evening visitors to Mount Rushmore should experience the "Historic and Patriotic" display that only period appropriate lighting can provide.
Bring back the old lights or soften and lessen the glow of the new ones. One can only imagine what Gutzon Borglum would have to say about the new lights.