Category: Event  Listing Date: 2015-03-03
We're Talkin Bull
Time flies when you're having fun!?!? I must have had a lot of fun over the past 30+ years because the time certainly did fly by. But I digress.
It was a cold day outside but warm ringside. The sale seemed to go well with the bulls bringing a good price. You'll have to ask Joel if he was satisfied since I was making my judgment on 30 year old numbers.
If you grew up on a farm or ranch, no doubt you've spent some time in and around a livestock auction yard or auction house. South Dakota still has a few.
On Tuesday, March 3, 2015, Joel Deering's 22nd Annual Ranch-Raised, Rancher Approved Cheyenne Charolais Yearling Bull Sale was held at Philip Livestock Auction, 607 E Pleasant St, Philip, SD 57567, Phone:(605) 859-2577.
As I sat watching the action in the ring I found myself thinking how comfortable I felt. I tried to remember the last time I had been to a livestock auction. I figured it must have been at either Bales Continental Commission Company or Magness Livestock both in Huron, South Dakota. I was working at a commercial feedlot and farming operation and that would have to be over 30 years ago.